quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011

Buyers Guide For Brazil

Buyers Guide For Brazil

There are always a few questions that seem to come up when talking with potential buyers of Brazilian properties. Below we have compiled a list of the most common ones.

Please feel free to get in touch by phone or email if there are other questions you might have. We have a wealth of knowledge about this wonderful and energetic place on earth and of course you are free to enquire about our business practices as well.

Common questions and their answers:

What purchasing costs can I expect?

You can expect to pay approx. 7, 5% in purchasing expenses as follows:

  • ITIV (similar to VAT): 3%
  • Notary office: 1.25%
  • Registration of the deeds: 0.75%
  • Administrative expenses: 1%
  • Legal fees: approx. 1.5%

Investment in Brazil

Investment in Brazil

Specialists in Brazilian investments, Severini Properties offers select secure Brazil Investment projects.
 Latest projects include several developments within the “Minha Casa Minha Vida” social housing programme and developments for the middle class in Brazil where property is in high demand.
Severini Properties also provides the chance to invest in one of Brazil’s fastest-growing investments – construction materials. Keep up to date with Brazilian investment by visiting us on www.severiniproperties.com

Moving to Brazil

Moving to Brazil

Relocating to Brazil is something which more and more people around the world have been considering even if the economic environment has reduced many people’s financial wealth.
The idea of moving to Brazil is not a new idea as people have been relocating to South America for many years now. But what exactly does Brazil and South America have to offer? What has changed over the last 20 or 30 years to attract so many people to the region?
Brazil is the largest country in South America and as a consequence it has one of the leading economies in the region and has benefited from the highs, although unfortunately the lows as well, experienced by the region. It is the fifth largest country in the world by land mass and the fifth largest country in the world by population with a very strong relationship with fellow South American countries as well as the United States of America.

About Severini Properties

About Severini Properties

We are the new generation of technologically advanced, savvy Internet and information technology realtors. We feel that because of our technological background and an in-depth knowledge of local real estate markets, we're capable of delivering unique, sensitive and valuable real estate information to our clients in a shortest period of time. We feel that the information is the only tool that will help our clients to achieve their real estate goals.

Return On Investment in Brazil

Return On Investment in Brazil

The central issue in this thread revolved around the assumption that property valuations is a determinant factor in the return of investment provided by Brazilian properties.
A general consensus was voiced out by most members in support of the view that rises in property values is neither a 100% assurance for a return of investment, nor does it represent the overall state of the Brazilian property market.

Home Selling Tips

Home Selling Tips

Preparing Your Home for Sale
After years of living in your home, you are finally ready to move on and purchase another one. Why? It doesn’t matter. What matters is how to sell your former house effectively.
Staging is the easiest answer to that, but this can be easier said than done. With the current economic crunch, it is harder to splurge on home staging – you might even end up losing money, if you’re not too careful.

The key here is moderation. You don’t have to go all out. If you are a careful homeowner who meticulously takes care of the house every day, chances are, you don’t have to stage at all. But it is still very helpful to market your house properly and make sure that everything is in order. So, follow these few simple home improvements that can guarantee to attract homebuyers.

Home Buying Tips

Home Buying Tips

Know What You’re Buying
The first rule of real estate: Location, location, location. It is imperative to choose your neighborhood wisely.
 During these tough economic times, this cannot be stressed enough. Your neighborhood is as invaluable as your home—probably more. Why? For starters, your house is only as good as the houses around you. If you are investing on a property for rental, or even making a home your primary residence, thinking the future is crucial.

Football World Cup Could Put Spotlight on Brazil’s Real Estate Industry

Football World Cup Could Put Spotlight on Brazil’s Real Estate Industry

The real estate industry in Brazil has been buoyed by a new survey that shows that hosting an international football tournament will do more to boost a nation that any other sporting event.
Brazil gets focus due to World Cup
With excitement already building for the FIFA World Cup in Brazil 2014, the report from tourism marketing experts, Pangaea Network, says that the majority of travel professionals agreed that football tournaments are four times more popular than motor racing which ranked in second place.

Visas and Permits in Brazil

Visas and Permits in Brazil

When keen in investing in a property in Brazil, or in any foreign land, getting a permanent residence may not immediately be the best step to undertake. There are several options that a foreigner can explore that can afford flexibility and less time to process.
Types of Temporary Visas:

Tourist Visas
Citizens of most European nations require only a valid passport or either a return or onward ticket. Sometimes an evidence of funds that can prove that you can afford a ticket is needed in order to enter Brazil as a tourist.

Why Has Brazil Become a Vital Element of The Foreign Property Market?

Why Has Brazil Become a Vital Element of The Foreign Property Market?

The rise and rise of Brazil over the last few years has been nothing short of startling, moving from South American basket case to a country which is attracting international investment on all levels. 
So what prompted the change in Brazil? Why it is so popular amongst the international property investment fraternity?
The truth is that Brazil has always been a giant waiting to jump out of the box but because of a number of different factors it has been kept out of the headlines and off the international investment map for some time.  There were a number of issues which for many years made Brazil a no go area for international investors which included:

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

Cost of Living in Brazil

Cost of Living in Brazil

If there is one area of the world which is growing in popularity with regards to expats it has to be South America with so many of the former troubled economies showing signs of relative strength.
Brazil is one area of South America which is most definitely on the up and catching the eye of more and more expats looking to relocate and begin a new life. However, the living costs in Brazil can vary markedly from place to place and when you consider that the cost of living in Brazil will be a major factor when deciding where to move, it is vital that you do your homework.

Why Investing In Brazil So Hot Now!

Why Investing In Brazil So Hot Now!

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world and full of tropical delights to offer. Brazil is getting ready to host the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.
Both of these important events will be a first in South America. Such events bring great optimism and strength for a country which is now part of the BRIC economies and its fast emerging as a super power. 
Currently there has been a major shift of the population in entering middle class, it is estimated that over 53% of the population has that status and there is 19% rise per year of new millionaires, Brazilians never had it so good. This translates to a new power in purchasing which means the real estate market is a hot commodity and people’s dreams of owning a home is becoming a reality.

Purchasing Process in Brazil

Purchasing Process in Brazil
Legal Situation, Fees and Taxes.

The process for buying apartments in Brazil is quite straightforward particularly for buyers and investors using Beach Property Investment. We have direct access to English-speaking lawyers who understand the local market and are used to dealing with overseas property buyers.

In our experience the legal team we work with are able to deal with the normal concerns that an overseas property buyer has when purchasing in a new country for the first time and will be able to provide ´peace of mind´.

It is definitely worthwhile investing in a decent and reputable lawyer and we can provide this to our clients for a very reasonable fee

Prime City Investment in Maceió, Brazil

Prime City Investment in Maceió, Brazil

Apartments at Paradise Beach in Brazil’s fast-growing Maceió city, are highly attractive to overseas buyers seeking both a tourist and a local market to fuel their investments.
Northeastern Brazil has been an area targeted by Severini Properties for some time, and Ricardo Severini is now proud to introduce its very first city based investment in Brazil.
Growing domestic and international demand from Maceió, a prime Brazilian city and holiday location, helps make Paradise Beach apartments a solid all-round investment.

domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011

Severini Properties Imóveis - Who We Are

Severini Properties - Who We Are

                    SEVERINI PROPERTIES

The company Severini Properties was established at a time when there is high demand for real estate, short term rentals as well as investments in Brazil and abroad.
With over 15 years of experience in the international market, we offer excellence in service to its more than 1200 clients.

Our focus is the balance between quality and accessibility, so we offer the best value in the market.

Lead and follow the big trend of working with telemarketing, thus reducing our costs and offering the best and most profitable real estate business in Brazil and abroad.

We are a family business that cares for its customers.